Dynamic Light Scattering
Particle size distribution of sub-micron particles is measured at a 90 degree scattering angle using Dynamic Light Scattering.
Volume requirements: 0.1 g – 0.5 g per sample determination.
Particle sizes: 0.0003 μm - 5 μm.
Instrumentation: Malvern Zetasizer Nano ZS90.
Quasi Elastic Light Scattering (QELS)
This test measures and uses molecular motion to determine the diffusion coefficient of a molecule in solution. The diffusion coefficient for a spherical particle is directly related to its’ “hydrodynamic radius”.
Volume requirements: Approximately 100 μg (i.e., 100 μL injection of 1 mg/mL solution for in-line SEC operation).
Particle Sizes: Approximately 0.0005 μm - 0.03 μm.
Instrumentation: WyattQELS which is embedded within Wyatt HELEOS II.
Multi-Angle Light Scattering (MALS)
A static light scattering technique which can be used in conjunction with Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) as an in-line detection technique or it can be used for non-fractionated samples in the batch mode of operation.
Volume requirements: Approximately 100 μg (i.e., 100 μL injection of 1 mg/mL solution for in-line SEC operation) and1,000 μg (Direct 1000 μL infusion of 1 mg/mL solution for batch mode operation).
Particle Sizes: 0.01 μm - 0.5μm.
Instrumentation: Wyatt Technologies HELEOS II.
Laser Light Diffraction
Particle size distribution is measured by the dispersion and absorption of light (red and blue) generated by a laser using either the wet or dry dispersion techniques.
Volume requirements: 0.1 g – 0.5 g per sample determination for wet dispersion. 0.5 g – 5 g per sample determination for dry dispersion.
Particle sizes: 0.01 μm – 600 μm for wet dispersion and 0.2 μm – 3,500 μm for dry dispersion.
Instrumentation: Malvern Mastersizer 3000 with Hydro MV wet dispersion unit and the Aero S dry dispersion unit.
Zeta Potential (Electrophoretic Light Scattering)
Zeta potential is a measurement of the electrokinetic potential in colloidal dispersions. The Zeta Potential is measured at a 90 degree scattering angle using Electrophoretic Light Scattering.
Volume requirements: 0.1 g – 0.5 g per sample determination.
Particle sizes: 3.8 nm - 100 μm.
Instrumentation: Malvern Zetasizer Nano ZS90.
Analytical Sieving
Sieving is usually the method of choice for classification of the coarser grades of single powders or granules. It is a particularly attractive method in that powders and granules are classified only on the basis of particle size, and in most cases, the analysis can be carried out in the dry state. Mechanical sieving is most suitable where the majority of the particles are larger than about 75 μm. For smaller particles, other means of agitation such as air-jet sieving may be more appropriate.
Volume requirements: 10 g- 100 g is generally required per test. However, if the information needed to perform sieve testing for a specific material (i.e. sample amount, sieve sizes and sieve time) cannot be provided, then approximately 500 grams will be required in order to perform feasibility/endpoint determination to establish the appropriate parameters prior to testing the material.
Particle sizes: Certified ISO 3310-1, ASTM E-11 sieves in sizes ranging from 25 μm to 2,000 μm. Larger sizes up to 11.20 mm may be purchased upon request.
Instrumentation: Endecotts Octagon 200 Test Sieve Shaker, W.S. Tyler Model RX-29 Ro-Tap Shaker and- Hosokawa Micron AirJet Sieve (Version II).