Identification of Germes - Eurofins Scientific AG

MALDI-TOF MS - "Root-Cause" Analytics with High Innovation Potential
What has long been standard in medical diagnostics is attracting more and more attention in food analysis. We are talking about the MALDI-TOF method, which is used in the field of biological questions. The method has particularly great potential in the field of contamination source identification and in the context of decentralized databases. The advantages and application areas of the MALDI-TOF MS method have been known for some time and we are proud to be able to provide the analysis at our site since 2019 and within the scope of our ISO17025 accreditation since 2021. The MALDI-TOF MS is used for the identification and classification of microorganisms, where speed and accuracy are of particular interest.
MALDI-TOF is a mass spectrometric method in which a protein fingerprint of a microorganism is generated and identified using a database. The accuracy of the identification depends largely on the size of the database. As an experienced and well-networked laboratory, our MALDI-TOF analysis not only benefits from the manufacturer's validated database, but can also routinely access other accurate databases if required, in order to provide you with high-quality analysis results in the shortest possible time.
Fast analytics
Starting from a fresh and well separated single colony, germ identification can be done within 15 minutes, giving you the result within 24 hours. Due to our broad spectrum of analyses, it is not necessary to send us separated single colonies: if required, we can also grow the colonies from your samples at any time. The analysis time is then only extended by the required incubation time.
Use to reduce analysis time after presumptive positive results
Classical microbiological analysis methods are often relatively slow due to the growth rates and the often necessary multi-step confirmation procedures. By using microbial identification by MALDI-TOF, the analysis time from presumptive positive results to the final analysis result can be reduced by up to 2 days and a valuable time gain can be achieved.
Operational monitoring and root cause analysis
The technology is now also used for "source tracking" or so-called "root cause analysis", i.e. the search for the source of contamination. Identifications that previously required laborious and cost-intensive molecular biology techniques can now be carried out quickly and with high quality using MALDI-TOF MS. Germ identification allows the source of contamination to be narrowed down more quickly and reliably so that the necessary measures can be specifically initiated. This method is therefore ideal as a basis for operational monitoring. Should you require our expertise in the area of crisis management following the analysis, our Analytical Service Managers are always at your disposal.